Van Gogh's The Mulberry Tree Painting
Joseph Roulin
Starry Night Over the Rhone

Share Your Painting 2

Due to the great response we received from our last “Share Your Painting” post, I thought I would share another visitor painting inquiry with you.  The images of paintings shown were sent to me by a Van Gogh Gallery visitor who is interested in learning more about these paintings.  He believes that these paintings have…

Van Gogh Video

We have recently added a Van Gogh video by Alexander Lukin and Alexander Chernov of the creative team LUCH to the Van Gogh Gallery.  This video takes you though many of Van Gogh’s most famous drawings which they have animated and set to the music of Thom Yorke.  If you haven’t checked out Van Gogh’s…

Happy Birthday Van Gogh!

Vincent van Gogh was born on this day in 1853.  In honor of Van Gogh’s birthday, I thought I would share some of my favorite Van Gogh quotes: “An artist needn’t be a clergyman or a churchwarden, but he certainly must have a warm heart for his fellow men.” “It is not the language of…