A virtual tour is a “simulation of an existing location usually composed of a sequence of video or still images,” according to Wikipedia. So what does that have to do with Van Gogh? Well, his works are scattered throughout the world and there are some places that, unfortunately, you might not ever have the opportunity to visit. With the Van Gogh virtual tours available online, you will have the opportunity to visit Van Gogh works in far away places from the comfort of your home. Below is a list of Van Gogh virtual tours with links to the tour sites.
Van Gogh’s Van Goghs
National Gallery of Art
Van Gogh Museum 01
Van Gogh Museum
Van Gogh Museum 02
Van Gogh Museum
Sunflowers Room
Van Gogh Museum
Van Gogh
Musee d’Orsay
The Van Gogh Room
The Hermitage
The Starry Night & Portrait of Joseph Roulin
The Museum of Modern Art
Les Vessenots in Auvers
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Room 7
The Courtauld Gallery
Check for more Van Gogh tours by the Google Art Project
Do you know of any others we should add? Please comment and let us know.